SSN Polytechnic Research
National Cyber and Crypto Polytechnic (Poltek SSN) is a state-owned higher education institution under the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN)
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As a tertiary institution that focuses on the development of cyber security and encryption, the SSN Polytechnic pays special attention to research activities.
The SSN Polytechnic continues to encourage lecturers and students to conduct and develop research related to cybersecurity and encryption to contribute to national security.
The results of lecturer and student research activities are always sought to be published in international and national journals and seminars.
As an alternative to the publication of lecturer and student research results, the SSN Polytechnic publishes the InfoKripto Journal on an ongoing basis.
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Collaborative Research
The rapid development of science and technology has triggered SSN Polytechnic researchers to always execute new ideas.
With various limitations, collaborative research or research collaboration between other researchers at home and abroad is expected to be able to improve the quality and quantity of research.
The results of the research published by the researcher ultimately aim to provide maximum benefit to the community.
Research Laboratory
The SSN Polytechnic facilitates Lecturers and Students to conduct research through the Research Laboratory. Each Scientific Group has at least 1 (one) Research Laboratory specifically according to their needs. There are 4 (four) scientific groups at the SSN Polytechnic, namely:
- Cyber Security Engineering
- Cryptographic Hardware Engineering
- Cryptographic Software Engineering
- Cryptographic System Engineering
Each Research Laboratory is led by a Laboratory Coordinator who coordinates with the Department and the Integrated Laboratory Unit.
Community service
Community service activities at the SSN Polytechnic are coordinated, monitored, and evaluated by the Center for Research and Community Service, SSN Polytechnic.
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Security Awareness Dissemination
As a tertiary institution that studies cybersecurity and encryption, the SSN Polytechnic is obliged to provide awareness regarding information security to the public.
The socialization of security awareness (Sosdarkam) also aims to increase the intelligence of the nation's life in doing activities in cyberspace safely.
Community service targets in Sosdarkam activities include high school (SMA) students, seminar participants, education and training (Training) participants, etc. Community service targets in Sosdarkam activities include high school (SMA) students, seminar participants, education and training (Training) participants, etc.
Application of Science
The form of community service carried out by the SSN Polytechnic is to apply knowledge obtained from educational and research activities.
The application of science in the field of cyber security and ciphers can be felt by the public through collaboration with various Ministries/Institutions/as well as the private sector.
Efforts to serve the community through the application of science such as drafting central and regional government policies related to cyber and cipher security, applying appropriate technology, strengthening cyber system security, etc.
The SSN Polytechnic conducts community service by playing an active role in Ministry/Agency Education and Training activities.
Through training activities, the SSN Polytechnic can provide technical understanding on how to strengthen cyber systems and apply encryption to participants.
The technical understanding provided is expected to be applied in the institutions of each participant so that it can benefit the wider community.

There is no doubt that the SSN Polytechnic has made real dedication to the surrounding community, from things that seem small but of great benefit on the basis of a sense of concern.
Actions of care are carried out in various ways such as cleaning the surrounding environment, blood donors, education, building joint facilities, donating to disaster victims, etc.